Hoya plants with thicker stems bear less risk of drying out during long travels, these are among others :Hoya anulata Hoya archboldiana pink Hoya archboldiana white Hoya ariadna Hoya australis Hoya australis hybrid Hoya australis margin Hoya australis rupicola Hoya australis sanae Hoya australis variegata Hoya benguetensis Hoya bicolor Hoya carnosa compacta "Indian Rope" Hoya carnosa compacta margin variegata Hoya carnosa compacta variegata Hoya carnosa crimson Hoya carnosa margin variegata Hoya carnosa margin variegata II Hoya carnosa pink Hoya carnosa red Hoya carnosa Snow Ball Hoya carnosa variegata Hoya carnosa white Hoya chlorantha var. tutuilensisHoya chunii Hoya clandestinaHoya coronaria pink Hoya coronaria white leaf Hoya cumingiana Hoya dasyantha Hoya densifolia Hoya deykei Hoya dimorpha Hoya diversifolia Hoya doithung cvHoya dolichosparteHoya elliptica clone AHoya elliptica clone B Hoya excavata Hoya finlaysonii Hoya finlaysonii ll Hoya meliflua cv fraterna Hoya fungii Hoya glabra Hoya globulosa Hoya golamcoiana Hoya imperialis pink Hoya imperialis red Hoya incrassata Hoya incrassata variegata Hoya incrassata margin variegataHoya kerrii Hoya kerrii variagata Hoya kerrii albovariegata Hoya lambiiHoya lauterbachiiHoya lobbii pink flowersHoya lobbii black flowersHoya lobbii black pink flowersHoya lobbii black flowersHoya macrophylla white margins Hoya macrophylla white margins Hoya macgillivrayiiHoya micrantha Hoya microstemma Hoya mindorensis Hoya mindorensis yellow Hoya minibelle Hoya multiflora Javanica Thai ( variegata )Hoya multiflora Javanica Philippines white margins Hoya multiflora Philippines Hoya naumanniiHoya nicholsoniae Hoya nummularioides Hoya oblongata Hoya obovata Hoya obscura Hoya obtusifolia Hoya odorata Hoya onychoides l Hoya onychoides ll ( Venus ) Hoya optmistic Hoya pachyclada I ( red corona )Hoya pachyclada II ( yellow corona )Hoya parasitica Lao A Hoya parasitica Lao B Hoya parasitica Lao C Hoya parasitica Hoya parasitica x pachyclada Hoya parasitica variegata Hoya paziae Hoya pseudolittoralis Hoya pubicalyx Hoya pubicalyx Royal Hawaian Purple ( red button )Hoya quinquenerviaHoya ruthie cv Hoya shepherdii Hoya scortechnii ( sp UT001 )Hoya vanuatuensis Hoya verticillata margin variegated Hoya vitellina Hoya vitellinoides Hoya waymaniae Hoya waymaniae long leaf
Hoya and other plant collections are for sale on aleyagarden.com Plant care is available in various posts of this blog. Contact : aleyagarden@hotmail.com
Find all Aleyagarden posts on http://aleyagarden-blog.blogspot.com
Read this somewhere on a forum : '' Once I had some cuttings sent to me from the states and for some reason getting anything sent from the states to Canada all ways take over 3 weeks but the cuttings looked great. I just dont know why the stuff from some vender's in Thailand come half dead. "
" Quel paradoxe !? " would a French fellow say. It is indeed surprising that they take longer from the USA but look great and from some Thai vendors arrive half dead after a shorter travel. There would be several explanations for this assessment, see below my comment.
One day a Hoya addict in Canada reported to me that his hoya coming from nurseries in Australia and Thailand would always look different than those grown in western homes ( hence under artificial conditions ) . It is worthy to note that hoya plants growing under tropical temperature have a lighter green than those grown at lower temperature. It is not just a matter of artificial versus natural conditions of growing : you would see Hoyas in Thai nurseries in December or January, the coldest months of the year with a much darker green than during the rest of the year !Hoya and other plant collections are for sale on aleyagarden.com Plant care is available in various posts of this blog. Contact : aleyagarden@hotmail.com
Find all Aleyagarden posts on http://aleyagarden-blog.blogspot.com